We admittedly allot our designer handbags and high heels more love than one should devote to inanimate objects. And while we don't necessarily care what guys think of our beloved accessories, it's always interesting to hear a man's take[1] , especially when there's something we love that they really hate.

A.P.C. designer Jean Touitou revealed that he's not such a fan of our flashy purses and sky-high stilettos[2] , speaking candidly with Elle.com this week. "If I was a woman of my age, [62], I would be so sad that all those years of fighting for women has come to this prostitute fashion," he said.

Monsieur Touitou was bandying about the "p" word in reference to the platform high heels many women swear by:

"They're the same shoes from porn movies. I don't get it. I'm not against heels under certain circumstances. It's fun to have heels at a party. But there's a comedy in huge heels, in being exposed. No man exposes his feet. There's something about male domination there."

Like we said, our purses aren't safe, either. Touitou hates all of those high-priced, logo-emblazoned leather bags that seem to be the hallmark of New York's Upper East Side style set. He explains:

"The world is becoming more and more vulgar ... you can show on your arm that you can afford a 10, 15, 20k bag. It's obscene to me. Poor girls would bleed their veins to have those bags. One particular brand is over the top aesthetic-wise. As a man, it turns me off, I can't stand it anymore."

And here we thought men didn't even notice when we wore high heels[3] . Perhaps Touitou's statements are just one man's opinion -- there are plenty of dudes out there who actually hate wedges more than anything (fact!)[4] .

But to be honest, aside from piquing our interest, we doubt any of this knowledge will affect our purse or shoe selection. Sorry, guys.

OK, even we're over some of these trends...

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  • 1. Peplums

    Kim Kardashian was perhaps peplums' most famous fan in 2012, but we kind of hope she gives them the Kris Humphries send-off in 2013. Yawn.

  • 2. Sheer everything

    Two words: <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/06/ellie-goulding-wardrobe-malfunction-see-through-white-dress_n_2249540.html">wardrobe malfunction.</a>

  • 3. Gel manicures

    Sure, they last a long time. But who wants a mani you can't take off yourself on a whim?

  • 4. Half-shaved heads

    2013 will be the year of Classy Scalp Uniformity.

  • 5. Pastel hair

    Katy Perry and <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/06/christina-aguilera-pink-hair-the-voice-2012-photos_n_2081680.html">Christina Aguilera </a>were among the ombre amours this year, but this go around, we hope everyone leaves the My Little Pony hair to, well, My Little Ponies.

  • 6. Studded collars

    We get it. Everyone's afraid of your lapels. Next!

  • 7. Wedge sneakers

    They're comfy. We like comfy! Towering sneaks are just a little bit overdone at this point.

  • 8. High fashion sweatshirts

    The <a href="http://www.openingceremony.us/products.asp?menuid=2&designerid=1335&productid=63924">Kenzo tiger</a> and the <a href="http://www.elbowsandkneesblog.com/?tag=balenciaga-galactic-sweaters">Balenciaga galactic print</a> both kicked off hot sweatshirt-y trends this year, but as far as we're concerned, any item of clothing we're going to spend triple digits on shouldn't be able to double as gym wear.

  • 9. Neon

    Day-Glo dresses, pants, jewelry, shoes, pantsuits, bags, lipstick -- enough!

  • 10. Flatforms

    We'd rather wear stilettos than clod around in a pair of these.

  • 11. Printed pants

    Don't get us wrong, we love this look fashion-wise, BUT, we're skeptical that a pair exists that doesn't make us our thighs look like walruses balancing on their tails.

  • 12. Jumpsuits

    Petitioning the White House to allow separate tops and bottoms in 2013.

  • 13. Dark '90s lipstick

    We have a feeling goth-y lips will be a mainstay this year, but we're already a bit over the "Interview with the Vampire" beauty thang.

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