Jimmy Vinas

Photo by IRCSO

Jimmy Vinas

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — Detectives said a burglar caught Sunday was responsible for two home break-ins, with one at the home of a couple in their 90s.

Indian River County Sheriff’s Office deputies apprehended Jimmy Vinas, 30, of Miami Gardens after a witness saw him inside one of the burglarized homes about 12:40 p.m. Sunday in the 1600 block of North 42nd Circle. The witness provided descriptions of Vinas, who was wearing a blue jumpsuit, and an accomplice, who ran away when they realized they had been seen, the arrest affidavit states.

Deputies caught Vinas in the 1600 block of 45th Street about half an hour later. They also found Vinas’ vehicle, which had a black leather bag filled with jewelry. A detective followed up on another burglary reported in Vista Plantation west of the Indian River Mall and determined the jewelry had been stolen Sunday from a home in the first block of Plantation Drive.

The nonagenarian couple on Plantation — both 92 years old — said the jewelry was valued at $1,000. The woman told deputies Tuesday she’s had trouble sleeping since the burglary, according to the affidavit.

Nothing of value was taken from the apartment on North 42nd, which has been vacant a couple of years, sheriff’s officials said.

Vinas was charged with grand theft and two counts of burglary. He was being held at the Indian River County Jail without bail.

The Sheriff’s Office is still trying to find Vinas’ accomplice.


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